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Mid-Season Checklist

We are half way through the winter season. Now is the time for both swimmers & coaches alike to take stock & Start preparing for end of Season Performances & Championships!


2 Months Prior...

Set Goals- talk with your coach about your expectations and season objectives.

In Pool- back to basics working on improving technique and breakouts.

Dryland- focus more on improved flexibility and increased core strength training.

Visualization- introduce this at end of practice or during dryland. Mental training has been shown to improve focus, concentration and reaction. It is also a great way to overcome pre-race anxiety.

1 month to 2 Weeks out...

Get More Sleep- Studies show that swimmers who extended their sleep to 10 hours a night saw. Immediate performance improvement.

Improve hydration- Being slightly dehydrated with a reduction of just 2% of fluids can lower a swimmer's performance by as much as 20%.

Dryland- switch focus to stretching and maintenance cardio. Visualize your race & meet performances.

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